Tuesday, March 31, 2009

chosen few...


jmwv tmff umzw jppf


Friday, March 27, 2009

san of a beech?

0000 hours..

reading some blogs. sad, i know. im 18, single and tomorrow is a holiday and im at home reading other's blogs. others at my age might have spend their night at clubs or doing something interesting.

so u think my activity is boring? hah! wait till u read the crap i read on their blogs. haha.

seriously, i dont know what happened to them, but man, lately all posts seems sooo emo. with a lil techno songs to listen with while reading their blogs and some junk food, voila..entertainment at midnight!

dont wanna tell u the blogs i read. hehe.

so lads, whatever happen to all the happiness and stuffs? cheer up man.

-tara san of a beech ( thats what wani said ) hahaha

Sunday, March 22, 2009

that GREAT night.

last night was great. as u all know, im a strong supporter of arsenal (in Arsene, i trust), and last night, they won 3-1 over the magpies. but thats not the main reason why last night was such a great night..... haha.

the red devil, beaten 2-0 at craven cottage. yep. back to back defeat to fergie's squad. the first one was against liverpool. hahaha. in ur face ronaldo!! irony dont u think. they beat fulham 4-0 in FA cup, and now, they're beaten 2-0 by fulham. the game was quite interesting though. besides the fact that they lost, 2 of their players were sent off. rooney got a second yellow and scholes a red card for blocking zamora's header(Way to go moron). and to me, ronaldo should be sent off too for the challenge on murphy. if that were to happen, man i would be soo grateful. ill buy farid the millenium falcon and beg a hot swimsuit model to marry niraaj.

besides that, chelsea was also beaten last night against tottenham at White Hart Lane. what a surprise. praise to harry redknapp's side. must be a sad night for hiddink though.

thats all lads..tara

misery misery man united
and the defeats come marching on, on , on..

Thursday, March 19, 2009

that night

“I’m on my way. See u guys at bing bing bing”. That’s what nabila messaged me while im on my way to meet them. But instead of heading towards bing, I decided to make a slight detour to tun jugah to check out the the macbook im planning to buy. When I reached there, I was surprised to see nabila. . What a coincidence eh. She too was checking out on macbooks. Then, we met with faez and hazwani. So the four of us were about to go to bing together. But then faez decided to head over to parkson for a while. And of course, hazwani went there with him. Lovers….what do u expect? So yeah, they ditched me and nabila.

So the two of us head over to bing and met amirel there. He was there alone waiting for us. So sad, I know. So after waiting for a while, everyone was there. By the term everyone, I meant our lads only. Amirel, atierah and her sis (sorry trah, I don’t know her name), faez , hazwani, me and nabila. Then trah’s sis left. We chat, bitching and took photos at bing. Cut the story short, we left bing at around 5:00 pm.

Then, me, trah, nabila and hazwani went to nabila’s house for a bbq party while Amirel and faez went shopping for the stuffs needed for the party. I’m not sure whether we can call it a party. Hahaha.. Before the party started, nabila had to go to the spring to get her macbook which she had booked earlier. Yup, she brought me along with her. She just love to see me suffer I guess. From her facial expression, I can tell that she’s so happy to get her beloved macbook. HAH! I’ll be getting mine soon too…hopefully.

We arrived at her house at around 8:00 pm. then, the whole thing started. amirel arrived with his girl later. hm..we sat under the starry night. yep, perfect moment. and to spend it with ur closest friend..its just..WOW! haha. i dont know how to explain it actually. but its just great. the perfect night i guess.

10:30pm, i went home, but i dont feel like i wanna leave yet. those kind of night dont come every day u know.hahaha its just soo memorable.

so if ur reading this amirel, please come back again. who knows, the next time we meet again we'll be having bbq party by the seaside.hahaha.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ok so trah tagged me ...again...
lets see.. this time its about stuffs i like and why i like em.
as usual, mine is gonna be different from the others. so here goes...

ok first, the Audi R8. aah..such a wonderful piece of man-made object. i still recall the time when i watched the preview on tv. the sound of its engine..music to my ears. even better than Pachelbel's Canon.

ok, moving on...

yup, apple stuffs. steve job's apple. not the fruit. haha i love the design of apple products, from the ipod to mac pro and the accessories. haha. call me a freak. i dont care. just disappointed with windows.

hm..i guess ill stop here. coz if not, the list will go on and on and u'll feel like reading yellow pages.

would love to talk bout girls...hahaha too lazy to search for the pics. sorry. so i guess ill just say what type of girls i like.

hm.. to me, her attitude is very important. i hate those who always scream out loud and talk to the person next to them as if that person is at utah. i prefer those who have good menace. haha. im not sure what am i talking about right now. so i hope u get my point.

then, i also like those who look cute when they smile or when they're happy. cute smile i guess.

next, i like those who are always with me no matter how hard the situation is. i hate those who bail out on me when the going gets tough.

also like those who care bout me as much as i care about her.

thats all i guess. not too much info here. hahaha. sorry.

kids! never go to websites which say u have to be 18 years old and above in order to enter. coz if ur parents find out bout it, they'll pluck off ur eyeballs from their sockets.



wawawawa.....so goes the stupid kid who had been crying for bout 10 minutes now. of course im annoyed by that. who wouldnt? i felt like i wanna beat that kid into pancakes. but of course, if i do that, hahaha, will be doing this post in jail. haha. or his dad might butcher me alive...oooh scary. well what do u know, another good reason to have tambi's security hotline number. haha. bet u know what im talking bout niraaj.

ok so we're descending from 37000 feet and of course our ear drums felt like popping. but his parents should at leats take care of their histeric hild. damn.. thats just pure logic man. u dont need to be enstein to figure that out. or at least stuff the kid's mouth with the in flight magazine and call it victory.

thats the shit that i saw or experienced today.

lets see, yesterday... went to mid with my cuzs. fun? while at mid, yeah, it was fun. (too bad my sis wasnt with us. hey, dont blame us ok, blame um for having classes till 4 pm). the journey to mid and back home? fucking boring. since its a working day, the commuter was kinda crowded. we had to wait for the second train when going back cos the first was full. on board the second train, we had to stand. and again there's a bunch of kids to make thing worst. looking at my coz's face, i can tell that he wanna throw those kids out of the train and watch them die. hahaha. (i can feel ur hatred muadz. hahaha) . me? just enjoying some songs on my mp3 player.hahaha luckily, nabila called me while we were on our way home. so at least she lightened things up eh. haha thanks nabila. haha ( i have to be thankful to her cos if not she'll put cyanide in my coffee)

at about 8pm,home sweet home, yup, we're late. then, played lego starwars 2 with my cousin till 12 something and then went to bed. well not together though. my verdict bout the game.. quite interesting. the characters are soo cute. haha however, it lacked the starwars and jedi feel.

so kids! remember to brush ur teeth before ur go to bed and to always keep tambi security hotline no.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Rules & Regulations
* Do not copy answers.
* Tag questions must be 100% same.
* Tag people before doing the tag

I tag:
4.jaya sakti (skati, whats the diff?)

How do you know 1?
primary 6 sk green road

What would you do if you never meet 2?
id be happy.haha, just kidding . i wont have the crappy side of me.haha

What would you do if 3 & 4 dated?
id be so happy for them and for the world.

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple?
yup. cute couple .haha

Do you think 7 is attractive?
hell ya.haha

Would you date 8?
please give me a gun...

Tell me something about 9.
hm..he's very talented in graphic design.

What’s 1’s favourite past time?
skateboarding, games, music, football

What language does 2 speaks?
english, bm, tamil, and something that only some people understand

Who is 3 going out with?
jaya skati

How old is 4?
as old as niraaj..

When was the last time you talked to 5?
erm..last tuesday i guess

Who is 6’s favorite singer?
pete doherty!!

Would you date 7?

Is 8 single?
i suppose..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

1. You must answer all the questions.
2. Tag 5 people to do this quiz.

Trah, Farid, Aria, hitler and hitler's friend

1. What's your full name?
Muhammad Syafiq Bin Sapian

2. Do you hate someone at this moment?
yup, who? my driving instructor.haha

3. What makes you hate her/him?
He's a freak!

4. You love your family?
Love them so much

5. List 5 names of your friends that you love.
amirel, nabila, wani, trah, farid (im not gay ok!)

6. Why do you love them?
Because they're such good friends to me.

7. Who do you prefer, your dad or mom?
both. What a stupid question..its just like asking who do u prefer to stay away from..stansfield or jaya? (no offense niraaj)

8. Did someone make you cry this week?

9. When was the last time you make your friend laugh?
yesterday i guess

10. Do you like someone at this moment?
i guess.. (im not really sure the definition of like in this sentence)

11. What was the last present you received?
forgot, sorry..darn u amnesia!!

12. Are you missing someone?

13. What was the last message did you received from your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?
dont have one. hahaha. oh oh..maybe this:- last night was fun..lets do it again sometime :).hahaha. just kidding lads..

14. What was the last comment you received?
i dont recall..

15. What is your wish for your birthday this year?
world domination!!! haha. mac stuffs...(macintosh ok, not the cosmetic thing)

Monday, March 9, 2009

The praprapra fest

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Beep..beep..beep… I was annoyed by the stupid tone coming from my mobile phone last Saturday morning. So I checked it out. New appointment: - praprapra fest, 1400 hours. I bet you’re wondering what the heck is a praprapra fest (man that’s a mouthful to say, haha), well it’s a rap festival and my friend, Farid was performing. I call it the praprapra fest coz to me, rap is just like people mumbling with background music. Haha. Please don’t kill me for this fellow rappers….

To be honest, I’m not really into rap or hip hop culture. I went there just to support Farid and play with kucai’s sony alpha dslr camera.

Anyway, I arrived at Lemmoraz studio at 1357 hours (3 minutes early, nice), and I looked for nabila and farid. Couldn’t find them, so I called nabila, she told me that she’s at waterfront with farid. So I went there, and my oh my, it was so hot at that time. Curses to industrialization for causing global warming. One by one, our lads started to appear, kucai, trah and lastly, aria. Man, we waited for aria for ages. Apparently, she was stuck in a traffic jam. Cant blame her for that, so I blamed the poor traffic system in Kuching.

Ok, cut the crap short, the performance started at about 1500hours. Approximately an hour delay. Yup, 1 hour / 60 minutes / 3600 seconds. I can prepare a plan to burn stansfield to hell with that amount of time. When all system go, and dudes with baggy shirts started to mumble on stage, its time for me to get into action. I found a nice spot in front to get a good angle to take photos. Unfortunately, there was this bozo who kept on dancing like maniac right beside me. Sigh...I assumed that he was drunk because he didn’t care about people around him. He just dance and dance as if he’s going to die the next morning.

The performance was held in a studio room about the same size as a standard classroom at school. And there was no window. It was so hot in that room until I was sweating like pigs left in Sahara. Well, not literally though, but I think you get the picture on how hot it was in that room. And the air in there was so humid till I bet it would only take minutes to destroy a Leonardo Da Vinci’s manuscript if it was to be left in there. Well I guess that’s why you don’t see people gathering for concerts in the secret library in Vatican. If not, sigh, say goodbye to manuscripts dating back from the renaissance era.

Ok, verdict: Im quite impressed with the performance. However, the place is so hot. Thumbs down for that. And for the sony alpha dslr, I like the liveview technology. Quite helpful when taking photos at ridiculous angles since you can tilt the screen. But, I still prefer using nikkon because Im quite familiar with it. Sorry kucai.
