its been so boring lately. every single day, im rotting in front of my white mac book of a mac/
-i have nothing important to do right now/ most of my lads are spending their times, studying, flirting, n waiting for the apocalypse at wherever they are.
- so there i was, playing football wth some guys who r also playing football... the sun seems to be against us though, it hits us with its intense heat tat cheesecakes will melt at the speed of satan come over to get niraaj's soul/ poor old chap/ if only heavy metal music can help him/
-- clearly i dont have anything important to say tat might get people interested in reading this post...those reading this must be pretty bored like me eh/ maybe the prince from the crystal castle should get them interested... he lost his knight in kevlar armour though, the smiling face of his competitors seemed to mock him. so he grab the gun..bang! bang! the monsters r dead.... n the prince can climb to a higehr place,,