Sunday, June 28, 2009

blood n ice cream trilogy

finally, ive watched shaun of the dead. the first of 2 movies in the cornetto series. n of course, the other movie is hotfuzz. i read online tat they're planning to make a third cornetto-series movie, world's end, which should be released in 2010.

so nyway, shaun of the dead is quite funny. not as funny as hot fuzz. but still has the same type of stupidity tat u get in hot fuzz. like there'e this part where they're in a car. n shaun's step-dad turned into a zombie, n the childlock is on, n they're trap in the back seat. n his friend is too dumb to open the door n instead, just watched them. but luckily shaun's ex-gf open the door from the outside to save them.

blood and ice cream trilogy or also known as the cornetto trilogy, bet tat ur wondering why are these movies called this. haha. well, in each movie, there's a part where u can see them enjoying cornetto ice creams. but each movie has a different flavour. the flavour is related to the plot of the movie. n since there are 3 classic cornetto flavours, world's end should complete the trilogy by somehow showing the mint-choc cornetto flavour. strawberry is for shaun of the dead, and nut is for hotfuzz... cant wait for them to finish world's end. haha

tara lads!!

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